In order to be admitted to the exams, you must have previously uploaded the courses in your transcript of records (“libretto”)  from your Esse3 web area (hand-side menu: Carriera> Libretto) within the rules and time frames set for your degree course.

Any exam which is not in your study plan will not be taken into consideration, even if you have passed it.

The on line section is active only if you have paid the tuition fees for a.y. 2019/2020 and within the deadlines set.

You are allowed to upload or modify your study plan  from your Esse3 web area, form the hand-side menu: Study Plan > Career Plan in the following time frames:

  • from 14th October to 8th November 2019
  • from 9th to 30th March 2020

Information about preparatory courses and study plans of all degree courses will be avialable at the bottom of this page by the beginning of the first time frame.

Study plan online application

Normally, you have to upload or modify your study plan from your Esse3 web area form the hand-side menu: Study Plan > Career Plan.

Should any problem occur while processing the online procedure, you can contact the Student Support Service of Economics and Management (, specifying: 

  • as object; "Problem with the online study plan"
  • in the text: name, surname, date of birth, "matricola", and your problem.


Go to: Esse3 - Study Plan

Study plan paper application

In some cases it's impossible le to complete the online study plan:

  • you are late with your studies (“fuori corso”)
  • you have obtained an academic transfer credit evaluation (e.g. from previous or closed studies, transfer,  Erasmus, etc.)
  • you want to add extra credits to your study plan or in the free choice activities

In such cases, in order to modify your Study Plan, you have to send the application form "Piano di studio cartaceo" by e-mail to the Student Support Service of the Department of Economics and Management from your student's email account.

Under no circumstances study plans will be accepted beyond the established time limits.

Pasaggio al nuovo regolamento

Se ti sei iscritto/a prima del 2014/2015 (Ordinamento 2011) e sei interessato/a a passare al nuovo regolamento 2014 (limitatamente alle lingue o per l'intero piano di studi) contatta il Supporto Studenti per maggiori informazioni sulle procedure da seguire.


Piani di studio e propedeuticità laurea in Gestione Aziendale
Piani di studio e propedeuticità laurea in Gestione Aziendale
Piani di studio e propedeuticità laurea in Gestione Aziendale part-time
Piani di studio e propedeuticità laurea in Gestione Aziendale part-time