Application and enrolment

Call for application, test registration, enrolment

Yearly enrollment

Yearly enrollment and enrollment renewal

How to request the "Expecting to graduate" condition

Simultaneous enrollment

Single classes

Enrollement to standard single classes or enrollment in single classes aimed at the admission to a master's degree course

Tuition fees

Tuition fees and contributions, fee waiver, tuition fees refunds


Scholarships, fee waiver, public transport, disability and health care

Studying and graduating

Careers, study plan, final degree

Changing course or university

Moving to UniTrento, moving to another University, changing course

Interrupting and resuming studies

Suspension and waiving of studies, Loss of student status

Career evaluation and shortening

Recognition of international degree and University degree, Academic transfer credit evaluation

Documents and certificates

Diploma, Diploma Supplement, "Alias" identity for transgender students, Students photo, Safety Training