How to fill in your study plan

Before filling in the study plan, check the Didactic offer (Manifesto degli studi) of the Master’s Degree in Quantitative and Computational Biology

1st and 2nd year students

If you are enrolled in the 1st, 2nd year, you have to fill in the study plan online in Esse3 - Study Plan - Career Plan

You can change your study plan several times during the time frame: make sure you have confirmed it before the deadlines.

If you want to insert only one of the two "6 credits modules" that are part of the 12 CFU elective courses (if possible) and/or if you want to add free choice courses not choosable in Esse3 please:

Your request must be approved by the course coordinator. If your request is not approved the Student Support Office will contact you.

Late with your studies ("fuori corso")

If you are late with your studies (“fuori corso”) you cannot change your study plan in Esse3, you have to: 

Your request must be approved by the course coordinator. If your request is not approved the Student Support Office will contact you.