Info in this page are valid for

Academic year


Five and six year Master's degrees

In order to be admitted to the exams, you must have previously inclided the courses in the Career - Record book in your Esse3 web area within the rules set for your degree course, by filling in the Study Plan during the periods and according to the rules stated for your degree course.

You can fill in the Study Plan only if you are up to date with the fees for the current academic year.

When to submit the study plan

You can sumbit or modify your Stydy plan for the current a.y. in the following time frames:

  • 1° time frame from 19th September to 8th October 2022
  • 2° time frame from 26th February to 6th  March 2023.

1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year students

If you are enrolled in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th year, you don't have to submit the study plan, it will be automatically updated.

5th year course

If you are enrolled in the 5th year, you can sybmit or modify your Study plan online in the Esse3 student area Study plan - Career plan.

If you want to include courses different from those listed by Esse3, you must fill in and send via email to the Student Support service the form "Piano di studio Edile-Architettura prima richiesta": a Committee will examine your request and the Students' Support Service will notify you the outcome.

Go to: Esse3 - Study Plan

"Fuori corso" students

If you are late with your studies ("fuori corso"), you can modify your elective courses by sending one og the attached form by e-mail to the Student Support Service

  • the form "Piano di studio Edile-Architettura prima richiesta", if you are asking to to change the study plan for the first time
  • the form "Piano di studio Edile-Architettura modifiche", if this is a new update after the first one.