Students enrolled in the second year

If you are enrolled in the second year in one of these Bachelor's degree: Physics, Information and Communications Engineering, Information and Business Organisation Engineering, Biomolecular Sciences and Technology, your study plan will be completed by the Student Support Service and will be automatically active.

If you are enrolled in the second year in one of these Bachelor's degree: Computer Science, Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, you can enter and change your Study plan (“Piano di studio”) from your Esse3 web area, hand-side menu: Piano di Studio >Piano Carriera (Study Plan >Career plan), according to the academic year of enrolment and within specific time frames only.

You are allowed to upload or modify your study plan from your Esse3 web area (hand-side menu: Carriera> Libretto) in the following time frames:

  • 1st period: from the 11th october to the 3rd November 2017
  • 2nd period:
    • for Industrial Engineering, from the 22nd January to the 2nd February 2018;
    • for all the other courses, from the 26th February to the 9th March 2018.

The on line section is active only if you have paid the tuition fees for a.y. 2017/2018 and within the deadlines set.