Exemption for students who are children of beneficiaries of disability pensions under Law 118/1971

If you are enrolled at the University of Trento and you are the child of  recipients of an inability pension under Law 118/1971 you can benefit from exemption from the payment of tuition fees.

You will have to pay only the Provincial Student Welfare Tax (TDS) calculated on the basis of the ISEE università (or equivalent ISEE) and the € 16,00 stamp duty to finalise the matriculation or renewal application. 

How to apply?

You need to upload a document proving the grant of incapacity pension under Law 118/1971 in your Esse3 personal area, folder Declaration of disabilities, SLDs or other special needs (cat. caregiver). 

You are then required to send the exemption request to helptassestudenti@unitn.it attaching the self-certification concerning your relationship with the inability pension recipient and specifying when you uploaded the Declaration of Invalidity on the Esse3 System as well as a valid identity document.

Template of a Self declaration  - Dichiarazione sostitutiva di atto notorio.

The University of Trento may undertake random spot checks on the veracity of the submitted declarations.