Graduatorie e scadenza immatricolazione

Rankings are published on this page by the deadlines below.

If you are "idoneo/idonea ammesso/ammessa" in a ranking or scrolling, you must enroll by the deadline related, otherwise you automatically give up your place and cannot enrol in the course.

You can confirm your place for a single bachelor's degree.

Ranking publication dates and deadlines for enrollment
Ranking publication dates Enrollment deadline
First ranking by 5 August 2022 by 11 August 2022 at 12:00 (noon)
Second ranking by 5 24 August 2022 by 31 August 2022  at 12:00 (noon)
Third ranking by 7 September 2022 by 12 September 2022 at 12:00 (noon)



Enrolment may continue within limited number stated for the programme until mid-October 2022: any further ranking and the deadlines for enrolment will be published on this page.