Suggestions and recommendation
  • Income bracket in Esse3: you will temporarily be assigned bracket n. 3 (corresponding to the highest tuition fees amount) until the 2nd instalment is due. By31st October the bracket and corresponding fee amount will be updated on the basis of your ISEE value (if available);
  • The bank payment receipt (“MAV”) always reports “1 out of 3”, “2 out of 3”, “3 out of 3” even in case the 2nd and 3rd instalment were not due;
  • Please have your ISEE calculated within the deadlines in particular if you are:
    • a master’s degree student with a half-contribution exemption (“esonero metà contributi”)
    • benefiting from a total fee exemption or an Opera Universitaria scholarship
    • expecting to graduate (“in attesa di laurea”).

Should you find yourself in the situation that compels you to pay the tuition fee for a.y. 2018/19, it is important that you had your ISEE value calculated within the deadlines foreseen by the National Social Insurance Agency (INPS). No extensions are possible.