How to check your “ISEE università”

Starting from the first days of September 2017, the University of Trento will regularly check ISEE certification data transmitted by INPS.

If you have submitted the “Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica” (DSU) and INPS has already checked it, your ISEE certification data will be displayed in your Esse3 private area, in the section “Segreteria > Attestazione ISEE”.

If your “ISEE università” certification is correct, you will see the following information (in Italian only):

  • “Tipologia di ISEE: U”
  • “Presenza di omissioni difformità: 0”
  • “Valore ISEE: un valore in Euro che indica il tuo valore ISEE università”.

Should your ISEE certification have some problems, instead of the ISEE value, you will see the message "ISEE non valido ai fini del calcolo dei contributi universitari".

The problem may be due to different reasons, indicated in the lines "Tipologia di ISEE" or "Presenza di omissioni/difformità".

  • Tipologia di ISEE: O. ISEE certification transmitted by INPS is an ordinary ISEE type (“ISEE ordinario”), which is not suitable for university contributions. In order to obtain a valid ISEE certification, you must request an ISEE certification of type “ISEE università”.
  • Presenza di omissioni/difformità: 1. Some data are missing or are inconsistent with other tax data. You have to check it with the office that submitted your DSU and request for a new DSU with complete and correct data.

If you choose to apply for a new ISEE certification, be aware that University of Trento will make a new check shortly before 31/10/2017: until that moment, in your Esse3 private area you’ll see the data of your first ISEE certification.

The date of submission of the first DSU only will be considered to the purpose of ISEE deadlines.